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Wake up,help some pokemon ,beat Team rocket,To be continued
(Repeat this 10-12 episodes)

Go to the gym,Gym leader is not there,find the gym leader,help the gym leader solve some random puzzle.

Next episode:
Challenge the gym leader,lose to the gym leader,cry emo style,train with pokemon.

Next episode:
Fight the gym leader,team rocket is on the underground of the gym,beat the gym leader,get badge,team rock is send flying...

Repeat all this process for 90 or so episodes then:
Challenge the League,loss to the league,rank top 16.

With that I summarize how most of the show work the only difference would be when they find Legendary Pokemon but not big deal.

Also I am a Pokemon hater.Gold is my favorite game of all time.
The best Pokemon episode in my opinion is when Charmander evolve into Charizard.The show was good up until Ask finished the Johto League then it went downhill and repetitive.The peak of the show is when they had Lapras and they travel the islands and Ask`s Pikachu beat Dragonite and he became champ.That was the peak and had the coolest episodes.