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nordlead said:
ZZetaAlec said:
nordlead said:
stof said:
The only poll that really matters is "Hey pregnant lady, do you want to have an abortion?" If she answers no, then good for her. If she answers yes, than good for her and the anti abortionists can all go to hell.

Seriously, why should a woman's choice over her body be decided by a bunch of people that aren't her?

Seriously, why should a human life's choice to life be decided by some woman who couldn't control herself?



 That's an exeptionaly black and white outlook on life. Sex isn't just a method of procreation to humans it's means of expressing love and devotion between two people, a hypothetical synario:

Two people engage in sexual intercourse, the male partner uses a condom however unbenownst to either the condom has a tear in it and several weeks later the women falls pregnant. She's currenty in college and has a large student debt and no consistent source of income. If she has the baby it will destroy her chances of doing well in higher education and therefore she will not be able to secure a job that will sufficiantly provide for her and the baby, thus leading her to live an extremely unhappy life as well as a resentment toward the baby's existence. Or she could simply terminate an unfeeling unliving bundle of cells, live a happy life and then proceed to have a child when she's mentaly ready and able to provide it with a happy life.

Let's fast forward this. My kid is 1 month old, and doens't really do much for themselves, shows about the same amount of "feeling" as the unborn baby (which they do show pain as proven through late abortions). I just lost my job and can only support myself with no potential for ever getting a job again.

Can I kill my child?

Honestly, if you aren't ready for a child, then don't take the risk. There are other ways to show that you love someone, and if you want to take the risk, then you should live with the consequences and deal with life the best you can.

Well if it really does show the same amount of feeling as an unborn child then it must be in a vegative coma induced by an accident or illness and is only being kept alive by machines, in which case I believe yes, you can 'kill' your child by pulling the plug (though that's another ethical issue altogether).

Now I don't belive in late abortions either and I think that if it (somehow) comes to that and the mother still doesn't want the child then she should give it up for adoption. However this notion that life begins at conception is ludicrous because it relies on the concept of 'potential' and 'potential' applied in this context simply doesn't make any sense. The argument you have centres around the notion that aborting an embryo is murder because it has the 'potential' to become a baby. Well, yes but then why arn't condoms considerd murder because they prevent a 'potential' baby. Again same with contraceptives, surely they also destroy 'potential' babies? In fact why not having sex at all, or resisting a rape?, because they could both result in pregency.

If we mesured everything in 'potential' then we're all comiting murder every second of everyday.