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Alic0004 said:
Oni, how do you get black/white world tendency so reliably? What's the best way? I see the icons darkening occasionally on the world menu, but I don't think I've ever gotten them all the way to one extreme.

Sorry i went out for a bit but wenlan answered it good with that site. ONLY DO THIS IN OFFLINE MODE as being online may sometimes reset your world tendency to neutral. Here is how i do it.

If i want to get the world into pure black then i do this.

- Go to the desired world in living form and kill yourself any which way you can

- Return to the Nexus

- Go to same world again and use the Stone of Ephemeral Eyes to revive then die again

- Rince and repeat until the World is pure black.

If you want a pure white world then its pretty easy. Defeat any of the bosses in that world in Soul mode ONLY. Do not defeat a boss in living mode.


This is my sure method for getting the worlds black and white without any dramas (all done solo in offline mode).

- Complete all the worlds First bosses any which way you like.

- Clear all the gates (smoke screen things) until you get to the last before the worlds 2nd boss.

- Now (if living form) die and return to the nexus

- Go to the same world and use the Stone of Ephemeral Eyes and die again until world is pure black

- Kill the special Black phantom NPCs and DO NOT EXIT the world after killing them. Run around the world till you find the primeval demon (looks like a grey big fat round parasite) and kill it for a colourless demon soul (needed for upgrading to sword of searching and to unlock higher level spells).

- Once all thats done now its time for pure white world.

- If your in living form make sure you die BUT not in the world you want pure white. So go to the Nexus and run up the stairs and fall to your death.

- Head to the world that was pure black and now you want pure white

- Defeat the 2nd boss in that world

- Now defeat the last boss of that world in living or soul form. Up to you. Soul form is your best bet.

- Speak to the Blue phantom NPC to get some goodies. (Depends on world).


I hope that helps answer your question.