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makingmusic476 said:
RPG said:
makingmusic476 said:
RPG said:

Sin said: September


If this is true what do you think it will do for sales? I personally think someone has way too much time on their hands or this is indeed true. If this is true and releases by years end at $300 I think it will increase sales by a huge amount. With the games releasing as well it will outsell the 360 every week WW from then on in.....still will not touch the Wii though.



Did Sin actually say that?

I trust in the Sin.

Yep he said that, we must all fall to Sin. It remains to be seen what me meant by that, September reveal or release is anyone's guess.

Based on his post, it seems like it will be announced in September:

That would make sense.  They announced the 40gb SKU in September of '07 with a release in early October.



LOL, is Sony content to just kill what's left of their hardware sales for the rest of the summer now? 

If these are legit, someone at Sony is going to be getting fired for the leak. Sony can't buy a break. How do you clear out inventory of old PS3 models when not only are there rumors of a new PS3 out there, but pictures floating around all over the internet? 

This also now gives Nintendo and MS tons of time to think about a counter response while they basically get to run up the score on Sony all summer long.