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Here's why I believe the PS3 can't still win.

Folks love to quote the VG launch. Folks are forgetting one important factor - customers. When the 360 came out, I wasn't an early adopter - I stayed back and bought one when I felt it had enough utility - and offered me at least 3 to 5 games I would love to play. As soon as the PS3 came out, I was inches from trying to get one ... but decided to sit back again and wait. I'm still waiting. And a lot of other gamers are waiting. After a while, folks will just pass completely and pick one up at a pawn shop or yard sale.

Thinking that the same number of folks who bought a 360 will buy a PS3 is absurd. There's no logic in it, especially when in August 2006, there were tons of games (and exclusives) for the 360 and Sony's lineup doesn't even compare.

Games sell systems, not systems selling games. Even with a price cut, what does Sony have to offer? The cheapiest Blu Ray player on the market.

Case, closed. Verdict - not a snowball's chance in hell ...