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Onyxmeth said:

I've never noticed a large difference in either series, but at the same time, I'm as clueless as 99% of this thread and both sets of fans are about which has the more realistic driving, so my opinion, and most others are worthless in that way. While I noticed a few people could name one or so reasons to side firmly behind one or the other, I'm sure almost no one could actually go in depth on their points and explain why one is better than the other, because they are completely ignorant to the science behind both titles and what goes into them.

Like say for instance, your point is "one handles better than the other". What do you really know about high performance car handling at 200MPH to say anything on the subject and know what you're saying is correct? The only person here that may have some real life claim to know what he's talking about is tarheel, but I'm fairly sure almost everyone else in this thread is merely speaking taglines and knows very little to nothing about the real life counterpart to these games to give any informed opinion on even something as important as handling.


Haha, I haven't touched 200mph  (my car can only do 148, and I've only touched 125ish), but very few cars can.  I do admit, though, that my reason for finding GT better is very hard to explain.  It's very hard to put into words how a car feels and what it should do.  It, obviously, goes far beyond turning when you turn and breaking when you brake.  The way the car reacts to your input, the way it interacts with the road, etc. is much closer to reality in GT than in Forza.

Edit: I'm not saying Forza is bad by any means.  It's a great series.  I just find GT better.