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Um does the Wii even have a "Blockbuster" title coming out? it is selling because 1) Price 2)innovative controls..3)1st party games.This Christmas will be good i really do not see the Wii doing Massive amounts better than the 360 or the PS3 Is there a game or 2 coming out that is a "must have"coming to the WIi I mean I think people are buying Wii's steadily right now because you really don't need to "save up" for it but Really i think most people really would rather have A 400 dollar or 600dollar console that has a few 'Blockbusters" already and definitly i think people will have saved up to get the console they want by Christmas.The wii will get the most sales Ps3 will come in second and 360 will come in 3rd But i do think the PS3 can easily gain alot of ground on the 360 this Christmas with the relese of MGS4 Heavenly Sword in addition to Home.I really do not view the Wii as a competitor to the 360 or the PS3 if you want a PS3 or 360 for "next gen" gaming then a Wii isn't even close to what you want.I am sure alot of Nintendo fans will be mad at me for saying that is what it is.I am sure that on any day CD players outsell Mp3 players or ipods and they both play music ..but we can all agree that its not the same.the Wii is honestly not the same type of gaming machine It is not "Next Gen" other than the controler.i am not Nintendo bashing at all I own a Wii but its not the same as my PS3 or my friends 360.Just because they released at the same time does't mean they are part of the same generation hell in that case my kids Vflash is "Next Gen" too.Wasn't it nintendo that said they were not realy next gen or in direct compitition?