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twingo said:
Onyxmeth said:

Ok so what are your counter examples of those same situations in Forza? That is the crux of the argument here.

I'm also not being a fanboy, unless fanboy means disliking both games greatly. How exactly was your analogy correct though? Were one of the two cars in your analogies cars with unrealistic physics or videogame handling, because I'm fairly sure all four of your examples were real cars that all handle, brake, turn, etc. just like in real life since they are in real life. There was no correct analogy there, just one car is more powerful than another, which was not the argument at hand.


Ehh no car guy could ever post that bs.


Forzas IS weight transfer under braking did not feel as real as REALITY.

Losing controls was to progressive. 

It lookes inferior.


It simply did not feel like my babe, felt like some sheep whore imitaing her.



I just told you I don't like either game, and my opening post was me claiming to be as clueless as the majority of everybody else in this thread. Where did you get the impression I might be or am trying to claim to be a "car guy" out of those two comments? My point wasn't to prove one game superior to the other, but to show GT fan laziness in actually explaining their points. While I commend that you actually were able to add some depth to your original argument, my comment were for the many people like me that know very little about the real life 200MPH+ racing that sim racers try to copy, but that they still say the same tag lines without knowing what they're talking about. Let help sell my point, the OP asked for a real argument from GT fans why it was leagues above Forza and the most popular answer he got was "because it is". I couldn't figure out a lazier answer if I tried.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.