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Solid_Raiden said:
I have a better question. How could anyone even suggest Forza is close to Gran Turismo?
I even have an answer. They don't own a PS3.

Lets put it this way, I much prefered the "demo" version of Gran Turismo to the full retail version of Forza 2. Each person has the right to his or her own opinion but honestly most of the people who've played both prefer GT. I mostly see people with only xbox's or people who are extremely xbox biased "prefer" Forza. Imagine that. Of course the sony fans prefer GT, but I've noticed most people in the middle prefer GT.

The FULL version of Forza 2 is HALF the price of the "demo" version of GT5 (GT5:P).  I would say, because of this, people have a right to compare the two.

Anyhow, in related comments, Shift is tapping at the window and saying "Hello".  You know, "Need for Speed: Shift" which is made by developers who used to work for SimBin?