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MazeMe said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
MazeMe said:
The best Final Fantasy is XII(I know I'm not going to be popular for saying that... :P). From what I've heard, FFXIII is shaping up to become a really good game, definately a first-day purchase for me next year.

But can anyone tell me what the big deal is with FFVSXIII? Is that game just popular because it has remained a PS3 exclusive or does it really have potential to become a better game than FFXIII?
If that's true... I'll have another first-day purchase :P


For the fanboys maybe. But for me FFVSXIII will be a great game, A JRPG that is set on a modern setting which I like BTW. The main character is a freaking bad ass. He wields many swords WTF! It also has mature tone which is rare for SE. More importantly, Versus is being develop by the KH team.

That sounds cool. And developed by the KH-team? What does that mean for the battle system? Will it be real time? Semi-real time?


Kingdom Heart team.

I read it somewhere that the battle system versus is an advance battle system from the game Kingdom Hearts. So real time.

Interview from Nomura that I thought you might find interesting:

Nomura side (FF Versus XIII-centric) -
Nomura: There's definitely a lot of work need to done on making PS3-quality graphics. We can render very small details now so (when character designing) I have to draw a lot more than usual, like the clothes' fabric material to the very way of how it's sewn.

Nomura: The staff just showed me how it looks to fly with an airship while in the World Map (for Versus). It's been awhile since I last saw something "FF-ish". The map looks very realistic but we're trying to see how we can 'shrink' it a bit. It's so huge that I couldn't even tell the very first town.

Nomura: The first drafts of the scenario was shown to our staff members; some said it's "too long", the others said it's "too short". After some brainstorming, I think we should have a thick enough volume for this game. But thinking this much of volume is going to be shown through the PS3's graphics, it got me shivering.

Here's the link if you want to read the whole interview.