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CGI-Quality said:
The_God_of_War said:
If people get so worked up over a twatting Twitter post, it'll be funny to see the reactions if it actually does happen.

But here's my question, why? Why is it fun to watch "meltdowns", especially knowing that if it happened to you, it wouldn't be perceived as funny. Now some people won't have "meltdowns" if this comes to pass, myself included, but I just don't understand why this gen is corrupted with gamers not just enjoying games and wanting to watch other gamers be upset about anything.


Sony lost a fan today

The Kubler-Ross Model: Five stages of Grief/Tragedy for Final Fantasy XIII

It's not always fun. It's just fun when it's done right.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.