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MontanaHatchet said:
Onyxmeth said:

I don't get the question. It just seems like there's only one answer and it's so smack-me-upside-my-head obvious that I don't know whether it's worth typing. I feel like there's a hidden depth to the question I'm just not getting. Anyhoos, since I love Montana(the state, not this dude with the wolf avatar), I'll give the only answer it could possibly It's why MGS4 was made in the first place, and it would be the only reason it would be ported. Is there something else I'm not getting here, because that just seemed too straightforward to warrant this ever being a topic.

But it's debatable whether the profits would be worth the cost of porting. I'm not saying money isn't a good reason, all I'm saying is that of all times...why now?



There is always a enhanced Metal Gear Solid made, and that seems like a suitable time for it to go multiplat. It'll probably happen fairly soon.

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