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 Iuber said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
uber said:
those facts speak more of the companies and the franchises than they do for halo3 or kz2.

and it's kind of hard to have the mp numbers without the sales. personally i found the marketing campaign the microsoft did for halo3 to be quite shameful. it worked of course, the cult of halo drank the kool-aid and waited for the spaceship that never came.

sony did next to nothing to promote killzone, and it still sold 750K in the first day. the bottom line is that killzone's mp will be around for a very long time.

the only consideration the OP needs to make his decision is what kind of shooter he wants.



Of course its the OP's decision, but Kool-aid is hearsay. Many people have played Halo, enjoyed it and are still playing. KZ2 was a great shooter, but just isn't a cut above the offerings Halo 3 gives.You're speaking based on opinions rather than multiplayer offerings, and track record, and the added fact that Halo 3 is overall more affordable in the long run. He gets a cheaper game that will eventually end up lasting him a longer amount of time than KZ2.


it wasn't was humor. 


i will agree that halo's mp is more robust than kz.  that is true.  however, some people (raises hand) buy shooters for the campaign too, and in that dept sales mean jack shit.  i'm on my second time through kz on elite, and i am bloody loving every minute of it again.


like i said before, if he wants more of the same in a pc shooter, then halo is the clear choice. 


as good as kz's mp is, i think it still has some way to go before it approaches the masterpiece that is cod4.  only 5 game types and no party feature are pretty big blemishes.


and speaking of opinion, that's exactly what you are doing when you say halo will last him longer.  i'm sure he will be able to play halo next year as well as kz.  it won't be on the same xbox, but you didn't say anything about that lasting long.


While I agree that KZ2 has a better campaign, Halo has the better online/multiplayer. This is what gives the game its massive legs. Halo was never a more of the same game, KZ2 is. Halo is only more of the same if you compare it to a previous Halo. Well of course, there are only supposed to be subtle differences, you see. The only innovative thing about KZ2 is its graphics. Halo has innovated, while KZ2 thas the usual in-game traits. This is why some people are writing articles about "life after halo" for console FPS development. When I say Halo will last longer, it's because I have proof from the Xbox Live top 10 chart of the longevity of such a title. For two years it hasn't dropped below the top 3 positions. beyond that, the game sells steadily through the years because of its value (not to mention the price). KZ2 will have more legs than Resistance, but the way Sony markets their games, the next FPS they back will usually be better. Why might you ask? Sony is always looking for the next, as they call it "Halo Killer". As you've noticed, they are primarily focused on the west this gen, rather than the east.


 KZ2's gameplay can always be replicated. Why? It's standard FPS. Take a look at this video.

Does the weaponry in this game Black not remind you of the Weapons in KZ2? The gameplay looks just like KZ2 with shittier graphics.

Halo 3 cannot easily be replicated by most games. Check this out.



P.S. I'm glad you're enjoying KZ2, I enjoyed the campaign as well.