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I stickied the thread so it's easier to find.

And definitely outlaw. I'm basically stuck in my game, and have been waiting for you to get on for some co-op. I haven't seen you on in days.

Basically I'm stuck for a few reasons:

1. The 2-2 boss is way too hard for me to beat alone, and I'm not even gonna bother trying to get further into 4-1 based on the thing I saw recently.

2. Upgrading my sword to the Dragon Sword (or upgrading my gear at all) would help, but I can only get hardstone now via random drops in 1-2 and 2-1. I really only have Luck on my side now.

3. Leveling up takes too long just by grinding, and when I do level up, I put it towards Luck to help with #2. Because of that, I never actually improve in areas that'll help me beat 2-2 or 4-1 on my own.

Basically, I need halp!