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Could this console generation not end the way some people expect?

When people think of Oprah or soccer moms talking about a console the Wii instantly comes to mind.  The words mass appeal and radical new controller are also synonymous with the system.  But what if in a year's time it's not the Wii stealing such headlines but instead a competitor that has one-up Nintendo at its own game?  Laughable you say?  Nothing can challenge the Wii you say?  Well listen up because the ending to this console generation may end up not being the one you currently imagine.

We've been hearing a lot of boasting from Microsoft lately about their upcoming E3 showing and many might think it's all just talk or at best a few new exclusives announced.  But what if the chatter we've been hearing is only for a few small pieces of a much larger puzzle that will begin to be revealed at E3?  What if Microsoft has new weapons that will cause people to see large chinks in the Wii's armor and turn the Wii's perception from that of invincibility to one where Nintendo is under seige and quickly being forced to drop price while scrambling to compete.

The first piece of the puzzle may just be the full body motion sensing technology that is rumored to be forthcoming for Microsoft's Xbox 360.  It could allow a level of immersion undreamed of, even for those that have experienced the Wii Remote.  An example of such technology follows and since Microsoft already has experience using the technology they may be at a point where it's finally ready for the mass market.

Now imagine Microsoft tying this technology in with another piece of the puzzle, Xbox Live.  Using their online infrastructure they could create experiences that are unrivaled.  Imagine Live! Yoga in which people could take part in Yoga classes with their friends from the comfort of their own homes.  Add in special Xbox Live events with renown Yoga instructors and celebrities and it would raise the experience even further. 

Even more games are obvious including Live! Bowling in which leagues of players from across the country or even the World compete.  Or play Live! Golf at some of the most exclusive and renown courses in the World.  There would also be Live! Jogging in which the most exotic cities and beaches are streamed to your screen.  All this with motion sensing technology that records your movements in a way that current Wii technology simply can't.

Of course such ambitions plans may be years away or may never materialize at all.  Even if Microsoft it not thinking on such a grand scale new technology on their part could still cause a stir in the industry that hasn't been seen since the introduction of the Wii.  With E3 only weeks away it'll be interesting to watch Microsoft's presentation on June 1st and see if their presentation actually lives up to their hype.
