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Why is it people are interpreting what was said to mean quality software? This is a shareholder's report. What do shareholders want to see? Money! So when you say you have the only powerful in-house studios to shareholders, you're obviously talking about the fact that only Nintendo has broken 15 million on a single piece of software this generation and they've done it eight times already, going on 9 and 10. Microsoft and Sony haven't even come close, and the one studio that has come close to at least 10 million, Microsoft, doesn't even own the studio that did it any longer.

Sony hasn't broken 10 million in 8 years. Microsoft has never done it(Halo 3 will though).

If Nintendo's benchmark for powerful studios is that 15 million mark that only they know how to hit nowadays, then yeah they are 100% correct in saying no one can touch them and nobody possesses what they do. I mean for christs sake, they've done it eight times already just this generation and no matter what Sony or Microsoft do, does anyone here really believe either of them can reach that benchmark with a single title?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.