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The said:
I think the OP sums up what the "Wii gamers" are still expecting of their console. Here's a hint: look at the last 2 E3s, Nintendo isn't showing much for the "core" audience, what would this E3 be any different? And you "predict" they'll show all that stuff in the same show? the most likely part to come true is the third party support. You shall see 3 or 4 very interesting IPs for Wii, hopefully, excluding the same old tired ports or same old tired spin-off pleasers that is.


 Last years E3 was alot different than what we will see this year from every console. Its going to be back to the massive show it used to be.

I disagree with you guys in that my predictions are that crazy. Yeah they probably won't come true but these things are tough to predict, you never know what nintendo is going to do. Super Mario Galaxy was released in November of 2007, if that team got started on a sequel right away there would definately be something worth showing by now. The engine, and everything is already there, they just need to create new levels and what not if were assuming its a sequel to SMG.

Its not ridiculous to assume that retro would unveil there new game at E3 too, even if its just a trailer. Last year we didn't see any huge nintendo titles, but the fact is ninty's devs are always working, and Miyamoto even said that mario, zelda, and pikmin all in the works. Not to mention Factor 5 is rumoured to have a wii game ready for this year.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.