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nightsurge said:

Where is your proof that they were off by $35?  A forum post with no evidence and just a one sentance statement?  NO.

You claim he is a "Sony Insider" and via the "proof" we find out he has nothing to do with Sony.

Also, I am well aware that some people can use finance companies, but do you really think large corporations such as Sony don't have in house accountants?

He works for Toshiba.  Not Sony.  Are you saying he works for both Toshiba AND a financial firm that somehow manages Sony's finances?  I don't know what your statement about Toshiba not being a part of the BDA has anything to do with.  I kinda emphasized the point that they were rivals since Toshiba backed HD-DVD and Sony backed Blu-Ray!!!!!  So why would Toshiba be a part of the Blu-Ray Disc Association!?!?! DUH!  I don't even know where you got that I implied they were a part of it....

You seem to not understand anything and make no sense!


You're both correct.  Large firms tend to have their own accountants, and they also tend to use the big accounting firms, primarily for audits.  But that being the case, an accountant with one of the financial firms who would post in a public forum any "insider" information acquired during an audit or ANY other financial service they provided to Sony would be in great danger of losing his job and of going to prison.  I'm not speaking from speculation, here... I work in the Information Security department of a Fortune 100 company.

The poster claiming he has proof from an insider has proved nothing with this "insider" information source, but yet he still persists.  Amazing.