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So I spent all my hardstone on my original Long Sword, getting it up to +4, not realizing that once I passed up +3 all the other possible upgrades would go away (Dragon, Quality, etc.).

So now I've bought a new Long Sword which I plan to upgrade to +3, but splinters of hardstone are suddenly becoming quite hard to find (though I get large pieces fairly often, and even some chunks and pure hardstone). And now that I've beaten 2-1, the stone dealer has disappeared, and I can't find him in 2-2 either.

So I don't know what to do. I'm also finding the witches or w/e in 3-1 a total pain to fight. I've started working on upping my faith to counter.

My main goal now is to get my Long Sword up to +3, then decide whether to upgrade it to a Quality Long Sword or a Dragon Sword (though I need to find another splinter of Dragonstone. I have two splinters and two large pieces. The large pieces are totally useless as far as I can tell).

What's the benefit of a Quality Long Sword vs a normal one? I know the Dragon Sword adds fire damage.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.