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he wrote

Let me see if I can break this down for all of you haters, currently cowering in a corner and hoping to God nobody calls you to task for your doom-and-gloom claims from the early days of the PlayStation 3.

I've been gaming for over 25 years and I have covered the progress of Sony's latest console for PS3 since the very first day.. Now, for most all of 2007, I scoured the Internet for news every day - as I still do - and I read all the regular reports along with the nasty editorials that inundated every gaming website around. Of course, I'm not about to say that certain editorials weren't without merit; the PS3 did indeed have a slow start and no matter what kind of fan you are, you can't deny that things weren't looking good. However, as I did agree with some of the negative viewpoints, the sheer number of "LAMLAMLAM, the PS3 is gonna die!" articles was downright disgusting, and furthermore, even legitimate websites began running pieces asking if there was any way to "save" the beleaguered console. Apparently, I was the only one on earth who simply asked, "given Sony's history and the progression of past consoles, shouldn't we have just a little more faith than this?"

And now, it's 2009 and the PS3 seems to have all the momentum in the world. We have already been blown away by certain exclusives, including MGS4 and Killzone 2, and many more are on the way. Few will argue that PS3's exclusive lineup, which features names like Uncharted, God of War, and Gran Turismo (just to name a few), currently outstrips that of the competition. The PlayStation Network has come a long way...a long, long way; on the first few days of the Store's existence, it barely featured a few pieces of content. Now, there are thousands. Even little downloadable titles have wowed us (flOw, Flower, etc.), and oh yes, let's not forget about the video download service and the fact that it remains free. PlayStation Home is here, and like a microcosm of the entire PS3 existence, it shows a ton of potential that hasn't quite been realized yet. In short, the software is here and more is coming, there's every indication that the PS3 will have the best exclusives in 2009 and even 2010, the Network is both reliable and increasingly popular, the machine is super reliable, and all that's left is a price drop.

And where have all the haters gone? Well, they've gone where they always go when they issue ill-advised, shrieking rantings and ravings, only to find out at a later date they've been proven wrong. I'm not here to tell everyone that the PS3 will eclipse the Wii, but it seems almost inevitable that it will soon reach the 360 threshold and may indeed surpass it before too long. It's all about the games, and the PS3 seems to have the edge. If Sony comes with the price drop, you can certainly expect to see some major sales spikes around the world; look what it has already done in Japan! So come on, haters. Stand up and take your punishment like a man. Concede. Do what a grown-up does when faced with the inevitable realization that his knee-jerk reaction was ill-founded and ill-advised. But you won't do that, will you? You'll remain in hiding, because it's far too painful to let the light hit your still-closed eyes...I feel for ya. It's tough to admit. But the truth is, the PS3 is here to stay and not only is it proving to be mighty stiff competition, it also seems to be in the driver's seat at the present time.

For the naysayers, the truth hurts.