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PS3beats360 said:

PS3s main goal is to outsell the XBox 360 in worldwide total sales. This is an extremely important goal to Sony in regards to PS3. The PS3 has price cuts and huge list of games exclusive to PS3 which will prove to be much better than any exclusive games on XBox 360. PS3 will update its free online which will surpass the XBox Live "paid" online.

You might argue that Sony can not afford price cuts blah blah blah. But the truth is Sony is a huge company and these small losses on hardware is a small drop in the ocean and the extra game sales will more than make up for any insignificant PS3 hardware losses. Price of PS3 is approaching mass market penetration levels with next price cut and PS3 sales will take off as the economy does in fact improve in second half of 2009 and beyond. Expect PS3 price cuts to be announced some time at or after E3 09'.

Even the chance of going from third to first in the same generation may be on the cards as soon as PS3 approaches the Wii price. I expect huge transition from Microsoft or Nintendo to Sony and PS3. PS3 has a remote chance of finishing first in console wars. However I believe PS3 will finish a very close second behind the Wii when the generation is over. Bad luck for X360 ending up third after being ages in first place. Oh well such is life.


they will loose billion of dollars . how much money they make per game sold. 6 dollars?  how many games they need to sell to make 150 dollars of profit  and brake even after the price cut.