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Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

By Nightsurge:

You're right it is not set in stone.  It could be combined and 45nm.  Nothing has been officially confirmed, just as your speculation on 45nm RSX and 45nm Cell are still just rumor.

Also, I fixed your post for you.  You seem to read to far into things and assume I mean things that I don't.  You seem to have an unbased bias of one company over the other, and you immediately like to bring up things like RRoD and E74.  This whole time you have been on the defensive trying to protect your precious Sony when I have just been sitting her and posting realistic statements rather than fanboy illogical ones.

I have not once tried to bash the PS3 for it's current sales position, merely challenged your "proof" with genuine inquiry. After receiving insufficient results from you, I explained why each of your "evidence" didn't work and why each of your thoughts on the matter were flawed.

You're right, you definitely are a fanboy.

BTW:  Where is the solid evidence of iSupply's figures being wrong and of this guy actually being a Sony insider?  If his name has anything to relate to his age, he's only 21 years old and there is no way he is an accountant for Sony seeing such details as Blu-Ray drive orders for the PS3.



How can the X360 chip be on a 45nm process when they don't have a foundry for their 45nm process?  We just know that some 65nm chip orders have been placed, but it could just be for the big @ss eDRAM to be shrunk.  That is a MUST before slamming the GPU and CPU together.  I guess it helps to know a bit about these things.  You should try that.

You KNOW you received that confirmation.  Just look up at my other post.  I would think Sony's finance guy would have a BETTER idea of costs than iSuppli.  Of course, that's just common sense.  Hell, even iSuppli calls their assessment an ESTIMATE.

Stop trying to dodge the fact that you were incorrect about about the figures, me, and yourself.

Uh, you never showed proof he was a finance guy at Sony.  I looked through his threads created and they all seem like standard 21 year old babble about games and movies.  I didn't see anywhere where he provided proof of his "insiderness", and I'm sorry, but you need to prove he is before we can accept your claims.

What figures was I incorrect about, exactly?  You still haven't shown me any solid proof of anything.....