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vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Dark Chaos said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

Sony's losses are only a drop in the bucket when considering MS's losses.  While Sony's losses are NOT small, it's there business model to keep pushing the industry forward with innovative and original games/gameplay.  It's been their pattern since the PS1.  Every new hot 1st/2nd party game will be the one that broke the camel's back for some people.  We shall see if original titles that push the envelope is what gamers want.  If these gamers only want the same old same old games, Sony's strategy may not work.

Personally, I think gamers don't just want the same old same old type games, so Sony's strategy will work.



Duh!  Everyone knows 2.9 Billion USD loss for Sony is NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS Microsofts $112 million USD profit!

Sure, just act like I didn't post the following:

You mean you aren't aware of it?  $5+ billion for Xbox.  AT LEAST $2 billion over the first 2 years of operation (NOT including the advertising expenses since they are tied into all of MS advertising costs).  $1+ billion for RRoD and E74.  Class action and regular lawsuits that have to pay out TWICE the GDP of Cambodia (total of over $9 billion).  Plus, there are NEW class action lawsuit popping up over the X360 as we post!


Lol, um.... links?  MS never paid upwards of 9 billion in class action lawsuits.  In fact, I don't think a single one regarding the 360 has ever been won, soo.....  Also, you claimed it as "Microsoft and Sony" not "Microsoft and Sony's Entertainment/Console division.

I was merely showing that even when the Xbox and 360 lost money originally, MS as a whole prospered while Sony as a whole is doing awful because of PS3 and the yen.

They've paid out a LOT more since then and more are piling up.  They just can't stop being tyrants.

Here is a search on X360 class action lawsuits.

Here is a search on PS3 class action lawsuits. The funny thing is that it gives you MS/X360 class action lawsuits.


That's an article from 2005 about all lawsuits accross the board in the entire history of Microsoft as a company.  Funny though that even through all those lawsuits they are profitable while Sony is not.

They've not paid any lawsuits in regards to the 360.

Here is a search on PS3 and Sony losses.

Here is a search on Xbox 360 and MS losses.  The funny thing is that it gives you PS3/Sony losses as well.

Those X360 class action lawsuits are future money gone.  Why are you acting like close to $20 billion in losses is WAY less than Sony's few billion in losses?  It just doesn't make sense!


Uhhh... because Sony's 3 billion loss was one year.  This supposed 20 billion loss now and future for MS was over the entire history of the company over the decades and they still were profitable.  The 360 lawsuits will never see fruition.

MS may lose money to these things, but their company is STILL PROFITABLE as a whole!  Sony, on the other hand, is NOT PROFITABLE as a whole company.

How can you not see this?!  You are making no sense!!!!


Also, MS is moving to a 65nm combined CPU/GPU chip, not a 45nm process just yet.


And to finish you off, you link me to a forum post of a member that you claim has done accounting and "knows how much the blu-ray drives cost" yet the forum post has no evidence at all.  He merely states it with no evidence and expects you to believe it.  He also says $35 so it would still be a $30 loss.  So, since that link didn't show me any evidence, I'm still waiting and will use iSupply's document results over a baseless comment any day.

a.k.a. Sir Patrick Moore

The iSupply figures are off by $35 because I say so!

Nice source, dude....

Are you saying that MS just started in 1999?  Plus, it matters when the court cases are over and not when they were filed!  I know MS isn't going to 45nm yet.  That's why I posted the link.  NOW, can you post a link on this 65nm COMBINED on one chip is suppose to happen for the X360?  I bet you can't because that would be one HUGE chip due to the HUGE eDRAM that can't be shrunk much more.

Since I think I'll be waiting a LONG time for you to provide evidence of a 65nm COMBINED GPU/CPU chip, I can move on to your next little part here.

This picture posting in order to try to discredit someone that is a Sony insider is JUST LIKE a X360 fanboy.  You can't face the information provided, so you try to discredit the source.  He has already been PROVEN (the website has even acknowledged him as such) to be a Sony insider by other insiders.  You can't discredit that, so just try to absorb the correct information.



 If that is true then you need to provide links of it so we can also confirm validity, it´s not enough of you saying so or you saying someone else has acknowledged it.

Confirmation of MaxPower1987 being an insider.  Look at the beginning of the thread to see what Max they are talking about.

Here MaxPower1987 had his own Insider thread set up.

NOW, can we laugh Nightsurge out of here for his earlier fanboy attempts at discrediting this Sony insider?!