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I think alot of your opinion is hardcore fanboyism.

Alot of big name PS3 titles, MGS4 and Killzone 2, have come out and it hasn't had much of an effect.  The only big franchises that haven't come out are GT and God of War.  I seriously don't think that pretty much any other games i've heard of are really gonna be big titles that will sell systems.  Not to say that they'll be bad games, but that you won't really see any worthwhile correlation to systems sold.  I don't think games are gonna be enough to make the PS3 huge.

Price is a major issue, but by the time the PS3 costs what a Wii cost now, I think the 360 might be selling for like $99 and the Wii going for like $149 or lower.  Blu-Ray players will probably be like $75 or less so nobody will care that the PS3 has Blu-Ray built in when they already have like 2 BR players in their household.

I just can't see the PS3 overtaking the 360 this gen, let alone the Wii.  To do it, they'd need to start beating somebody in monthly sales... which they haven't.  The Wii has outsold the PS3 every month since launch and the 360 has been doing it on and off with it's current streak being like 7 months straight.  The math on that alone says that the PS3 is getting further and further behind, not that it's primed to overtake anyone.