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Hang on.

We're talking the survival of companies and you're looking at quality of titles as the *total* arbiter of success?

So a publisher expends $10-20m for a title to be produced and makes back a fraction of that and it's OK?  Man, someone should put you in charge and watch the company rocket to the crypt.

Face it: this is about money, this is about having enough capital to fund the next experiment.  It costs ungodly sums of money to get dozens of people working on a title for years and you think that it's NOT about money?

If a company makes the best TVs in the world and no one buys them, how long will they continue making TVs? 

Quality of entertainment is subjective, but if something catches fire with the public, resonates in some way, then it's a success regardless of someone's arbitrary stamp of 'quality'.

...but if the public doesn't buy it, then it's not likely to be continued. 

And, by the way, LAIR, HAZE, Heavenly Sword, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2 are all PS3 exclusives.  These absolutely belong in this discussion! :) The OP says something to the effect of "the PS3 exclusives will be better than any 360 exlusive".  Well, let's take a look at how they've done so far.

And yes, Too Human sucked.  Which is why you'll never see a sequel.