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NanakiXI said:
1337 Gamer said:
NanakiXI said:
1337 Gamer said:
Empire Total war is awesome

Also your rigs a bit slow but you have to try crisis warhead you should atleast be able to run it on High settings depending on what resolution ur using but that game is amazing.

Get L4D that game is awesome, also cant wait for Starcraft 2!!!


Don't forget about Diablo III! Man my console is going to collect dust once this comes out


 well idk bout collecting dust but my PC will definatly be runnin nonstop for weeks!!! Hell im excited as shit for Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2


Of coarse I mean my dust magnet... I mean PS3 will collect more dust than usual lol.

haha good point. But yeah man im gonna have no life when those games come out. Im predicting GOTY for both of them


Long Live SHIO!