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Three huge things are going to happen in June for Nintendo.

  • The Conduit release. First off I dont think this gonna sell millions or push hardware. I do think its gonna sell good overtime but the first week/month sales wont be 1 million. Because of that no matter what forum or site you go to there will be an endless amount of shit talking.
  • WiiMotion+ This also releases in June. Its gonna kick off to a slow start and again regardless of anything people will talk more shit. Slow sales no games announced that are gonna support etc. Tons of articles bitching about this is how it shouldve been from the beginning and all that.
  • E3. This is what can make this month either extremly easier or extremely harder. Like always nobody knows what to expect from Nintendo. If they announce NA release dates for games from the Fall Media Summit that wont satisfy enough people and bitching continues. If they announce a ton of awesome stuff then people cant really say anything
    If they repeat last year........
