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YoScoobes said:
BladeOfGod said:
Scoobes said:
BladeOfGod said:
Yeah 16% OUT OF 1040. Not 16% out of 29 million.Until i see OFFICIAL articles that RROD is dead i refuse to believe.

As i said i believe failure rate dropped but its not under 20% for sure.

I think 1040 is a pretty good sample of consoles tested. 16% of 1040 is seems fairly representative to me.



Its still A LOT. And 20-32% of 29 million is NOT good sample of consoles tested

It is still a lot, that's kinda my point though. And let me put it this way, if a drug company can get away with sampling a new drug on only 1040 human beings (actually anywhere between 300-3000) out of 6 billion during phase 3 clinical trials, I don't see how 1040 out of 29millions consoles can be scoffed at. So the best number we have at present is 16%, which is about 13% too high.

It's not really feasible to test more then that really and MS aren't going to give any real figures until they're within industry standards which may not even happen.

You dont get it.

Its 16% of 1040 out of TESTED consoles. Most of dead 360s are bought by costumers.