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Um Ail

No one ever claimed Wii would

a) be saved in Japan. You can't be saved when your 5m ahead

b) get a long term boost from these titles

You think you are over-reacting much?

Second, Deca Sports 2 wasn't just my expectation as a big title. Hudson shipped 80,000 copies the first week. With those figures you have to figure Nintendo and Hudson both expected at least a bit of a bump. Finally, Monster Hunter G did boost sales for Wii this week. I'll give you Muramasa - that should never have been pitched as a boost. But the other two titles were sound expectations.

Alot of you were ready to massacre me for calling for a 40k PS3 drop this week, even though thats exactly what happened. If your going to knock me for missing Wii by 5k, at least recognize I got the harder prediction, the scale of the PS3 drop - correct.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu