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So me ant outlaw here decided to try and co-op the 1-2 boss. We managed to take down all the archers fine, but Outlaw went down pretty quick after that. The guy still had ~90% health left. But after that, I just stayed behind the guy and kept going at his feet, using plenty of grass to keep me alive.

I was doing great. I got him down to 60%, then to 40%, then 25%. I was like... holy crap, I'm gonna do this!

Then I got him down to around 2% when he managed to hit me with his heel, then turn around and hit me with his shield, then shoot that blue thing into me.

I was so close. =(

I also lost 2500 Souls. >=(

Hopefully I can get those back and manage to beat him next time lol. Though I seriously need to restock on my grass.