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mesoteto said:
It will never work to trick people like that

Samus got away with it b/c the majority of the crowd was horny straight males, they saw chic in bikini and would let it slid

If it were a gay dude…epic firestorm and the game would have sales dry up among the crowd you were targeting (however the gay gamer community would grab the game with open arms)

But the group your trying to trick into it would rebel on a massive scale

Plus with the available amount of info in the net these days something that epic would never stay secret



I agree with you.

 Some of the people who purchase games are already outcast without having to take on another person's cause. People who are pursecuted sometimes tend to dump on the next group.

I think about Alpha Flight, a comic, that had some popular characters in it. One of which, came out as being gay, a guy called North Star.

He was treated like the plague after.

What happens is men star ribbing other men about their associations saying if you read a book that has a gay in it you must be one too.

In gaming many men are attacked for playing as a woman character, especially if you have a choice. "Dude, why did you pick a chick."

Personally, since my goal is to play a game and not to be in a game, I always go for the prettiest character because that is what I am going to have to stare at for the duration of the game. Who pick the ugliest car or wallpaper their desktops with something they don't like?