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Khuutra said:
Fire Emblem 7 deals with the question of homosexuality and incest, though not in an explicit way.

I'd prefer that homosexuality be a facet of a character, rather than their only identifying feature. Being gay doesn't mean that that defines your entire character.

Very much this.

I wouldn't mind playing a game with a gay protagonist, not in the least. It should only be a small fraction of the game anyway, I mean, it's not like a game changes when the lead character is black intead of white, or a girl instead of a guy, so why would anything change if the character were gay?

Also, that'd be so original, don't remember who offered the idea here, but that you discover the character's gay at the end of the game.

It'd be so funny of Miyamoto revealed Link was gay in a future Zelda title. XD I mean, yes he keeps saving the princess, but apart from that, he doesn't actually seem all that interested in Zelda, ever. :p Or in any of the other females who seem interested in him, for that matter. Always the evasive attitude, never any physical contact or even the slightest hint of love or interest...


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