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Mendicate Bias said:
Why do they have to go out of their way to promote the characters sexuality? Unless the plot specifically involves a romance then why even care?

To answer the op no I would not play a game if the entire pretext for the game revolved around playing as a gay character. I don't care if your straight, gay or like fucking chickens I don't want it shoved in my face when I'm playing.

Also what an above poster said about projection of self into the character is very important. Can you imagine the faces of all the 15 year old boys when they boot up Gears of War 3 and the story revolves around Marcus finding his old boyfriend lover?



I'm not saying it has to be in your face. Actually i would like it if they never had sex or sexuality in video games, i really don't see the reason for except to arouse those 15 year olds. Because i'm sure that is all we could ever get. But go back and read what i wrote to mesoteto the second time. I need to also feel like i can identify but it won't stop me from enjoying the game.