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I wanted to find an article about it but i couldn't. Hearing about the Bioware thing that is going on now, I thought i would pose the question.


Are people ready for a gay main character? I don't mean lesbians, because we all know most straight guys wouldn't mind it.


Here are some examples of games that have gay characters:

Valkyria Chronicles

Fable I/II

Jade Empire

KOTOR (I can't remember if there was one in the second)

Deus Ex

Persona 4

Enchanted Arms


Fear Effect 2


Mass Effect

Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit

Chrono Trigger

Metal Gear Solid 2/3/4


I'm sure there are some i am missing but thats all i can think of now.


So are people ready? I'm not saying the main character has to be overtly gay. I don't mean a stereotype. I mean a regular guy, who has an epic backstory and epic quest, but is gay. Would you play the game if it was that EPIC?

I don't want to make people mad or anything, i'm sure i will with this statement, but i have seen people say Marcus Fenix of Gears could be gay. I have never played the game so you will have to enlighten me.


Would find Nathans sense of humor less funny in Uncharted if Nathan Drake was a "guys man" instead of a "ladies man?"

If in Dead Space instead of Isaac Clarke was going after his boyfriend instead of his girlfriend would you have liked it less?


Edit: Added more games