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Magera said:
haha ok I just done my personal review for the game... check it out and vote so it can be displayed... or not, depending on if its any good. LOL.

Please remember though, It's not a professional one, just my own thoughts of the game for others to read.

Hope you like it!

I did, actually. I left a comment there, but in essence, nicely done!

hentai_11 said:
When I saw the game last friday, I remembered, that a guy from the internet (with no name) hyped the game and I thought I may try it. When I put the disc in my wii and started the game I heard the "Bolero" and I fell instantly in love with the game.
I have already beaten the first king and I am exploring a little bit right now.
There were a few points which annoyed me with the game, but the most awesome thing is, that the game "repaired" those annoyances itself. For instance in the beginning I always read that Harald and Cynthia fell in love. But there was no easy method to select those two. A little bit later in the game I got offered to upgrade my podium and the problem was solved.
Than I had a problem, that my followers had problems with brigdes and obstacles and where left behind. A little bit later in the game I was able to buy a new formation and the problem was solved again.
Now the only thing I miss is the wakeup-music. In the beginning there was a classical themed wake-up music. But I don't hear this anymore ... but who knows, maybe I just have to wait a little bit and the game will "repair" this also.

Additional Note: The german localisation is extremely well done.

Glad to hear I could help!

Mr.Y said:

I guess nonames hype machine is working.

My overlords at CiNG will be pleased...

dontsee said:
@noname2200, add vooks review also. they scored it at 9.1

Will do. Any link you can give me?