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sega4life said:

The PRICE Sony set for their console at E3 in the beginning shows Sony's ignorance... and their attitude of "we are Sony ! so buy it." type attitude..


 " ignorance", "arrogance". Two words often used to describe Sony. For me those are the sort of words i use to describe companies who knowingly release faulty hardware to get the edge over their competition and then when it becomes apparent how faulty it is come up with a plan that gives them three years to get the problem sorted instead of product recall which in any other industry would be a given. For me i feel MS have been rewarded for damaging the console scene, for sure the build quality of all machines in the next generation is a lot more likely to be worse than in other generations, MS have proved it can be gotten away with and rewarded for.

So no I'm not happy, but that is life.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups