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Not particularly happy. I was a great detractor of the Xbox last generation, i felt it was a console running entirely on advertising hype and shallow aesthetic appeal (look, i can blow this guy's head off! How extreme!)


Though you must admit Microsoft just wanted it more this time. They improved the 360 greatly, and made it pretty much everything that made the PS2 great. If Nintendo hadn't gone and changed the rules of engagement, 360 would be out ahead easily, since it balances appeal


Plus i think Sony was too focused on Microsoft when they designed the PS3, since a lot of the aesthetic elements of the Xbox (I'm large and in charge) seemed to go in to the making of the PS3


It's almost as if the two switched positions, but i still have my biases against the Xbox brand, but these biases are merely against the brand itself. The console is pretty nice, and brings a lot of worthy things to the table.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.