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This guy seems to like to make flame bait topics . Honestly I think they all suck, this generation so far has been horrible in my opinion on all three consoles. None of them have brought anything like the previous generations have. All we get from it is increased online multiplayer (which now can merit a bad score on a review if games do not include it) on consoles, which pc gamers have been privy of for years.

The games are dumbed down. (theres a few gems) the developers continue to nickel and dime by releasing DLC's that in a lot of cases should have already been included on the disc, which also lets developers release a buggy product with an "oops we messed up" patched released two weeks later.

The wii isn't helping anything, unless you are hardcore into mario and link, that or you can live with smash brothers being the only game that gets play time (seriously its all I use my wii for).

Consider me a retro gamer until this gen gets it act together.