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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
FinalEvangelion said:
reptile168 said:
I certainly think it's the best thing to happen to videogame industry that Sony is last place. They deserve it all the way. From being arrogant, to repeatedly break promises or create false publicity, they need to realize that people are smarter than this. The worst part is Sony used one of their best division to win a format war. That, in itself, is a huge sin for all true gamers out there, though thankfully for Sony, some gamers were assimilated by Sony's marketing team.


What is the bigger sin/crime?  upgrading a storage technology (there is always whining no matter what when this happens - floppies, CDs, DVDs, etc), or placing an unready product in consumers' hands to get ahead of competition.


Some of these folks like to say that Sony is worse for "breaking promises" -- as if, since MS never promised not to have RRoD, that makes it more ok.

Microsoft is also arrogant (and Nintendo invented it).

Microsoft also uses false publicity. 

Microsoft's marketing team was more active early this gen, especially online.

Why don't the mods ban these obvious alt accounts?