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At those Sony fanboys pesting this thread, 360 is already profittable.

Sony is way more arrogant than MS or Nintendo. Sony fanboys still hurt because theit console still trails behind 360 numbers without a reall killer app.

At launch, Sony was the most arrogant company I remember, just bashing at the Wii and the 360. And, aside from MS, sony has posted tremendous losses last quarter. And MS sustained a lower [yet a] profit. And cannot judges these companies as they have other divisions which also make the profit, or the loss.

As an analyst, I've only seen PS3 hardware sales fall for several quarters while 360 sales are slightly sustained.

Yes. I'm really happy to see the 360 leading the hi-spec consoles market. Sony is just experincing what deserves. And PS fanboys can be angry, as they are in their right.

360 + Wii + Steam

Lone traveler