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Sqrl said:
finalsquall said:
It won't flop... I mean wizards of the coast are behind this game (magic)... This game could open the gate for other card games that are popular today. Sony has an open field to explore if this is the case... ie Yugioho etc

Coming from someone who played magic at a fairly high level for a decent length of time I can tell you that WoTC, while the publisher of Magic, is not the creator. That honor goes to Richard Garfield who iirc no longer makes games for the company. And last I heard he is focusing more on computer games and not so much on card games.


If it turns out Garfield is behind the game it will have a lot of weight in my opinion on that alone. The guy is a genius when it comes to developing CCGs and most don't know that Magic, while his most succesful, is not his only CCG. And its far from his only game. One of his best games is actually Werewolf which requires nothing more than a small slip of paper for each person playing and a pen to write on the paper. Easily one of the most fun games you can play late at night with friends.

PS - I am not 100% sure if Werewolf is actually his game but he is the one I learned it from so I always assumed it was his creation.

 AFAIK (and I used to know more) Richard Garfield hasn't had any major input into MTG since Fallen Empires and he hasn't done anything for them for nine years or so. Skaff Elias and then Mark Rosewater took over as the lead developers. I would be interested if someone like Rosewater (or even Randy Buehler) was involved in this. 

At what high level did you play MTG? Pro Tour?