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SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
If there were problems, he'd say, don't you think?

Who knows. Apparently, some people can't notice drops when they're playing. I know I won't have trouble noticing them when the game releases, and I'll complain about it like people did to The Last Remnant and Lost Odyssey. It's things like this that made those games underrated, especially The Last Remnant which I find amazingly good (I played it on PC though... Still, my point remains because it is still the same core game).

@ darthdevidem01: Really? I've seen it on GameTrailers and IGN as well... so I doubt it's the recording. I seriously doubt it.

I noticed the drops in both Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4, and The Last Remant. This has a better framerate than all of those games.

hatmoza 2.0 said:
mztazmz said:

"Voice acting - Not only is the voice acting superb, but everyone is voice acted. Seriously, every NPC I ran into talked to me. Square said they are adding subs to the final version, but I loved the effort into getting VA for every character."

When you say subs, do you mean ENGLISH subs???

If so, I will import the Japanese version in a heartbeat!

Screw waiting for the U.S. PS3 version while they try like hell to make this game work on 360


To clarify. No, they are going to be japanese subtitles. That way you can still tell what they are saying if you have the volume down, etc.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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