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At the risk of of being completely wrong again, Monster Hunter G Wii preorders seem to be at least 88,000 units based on the sample data we got through April 22, and the normal extrapolation pattern for Monster Hunter games/Wii third party games. There has been a big jump in recent days. My one concern is that Wii has been so quiet lately in most of Japan, that our retailer may have a bigger share than usual, if thats the case it will still do more like 70,000.

The FF7 AC + FFXIII Demo Bundle peaked at about half its week one sales in preorder values, but since MHG is a port I doubt the final values will be much higher for MHG than the final preorder values. For other games, week one sales have tended to be 1.3x higher than final preorder values, which suggests Monster Hunter G can get over 100,000 on Wii week one but we'll have to see!

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu