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@ Numonex - check it - get fired or laid off from a job where you had health care and get a new job and health care with a pre-existing condition and see how far you get.

I had to struggle for 2 months without health care - though the paper gave me money for the two months of COBRA - like $2,400 - thought I returned it. Still, I miss the days when my dad was in the military and we went to the hospital for whatever we needed. He had paid for it, but the general's wife - or the airmen's wife - got the same treatment. I miss not knowing with a co-pay is - going to a pharmacy and dropping off a prescription - and picking it up without having to pay $100 per medicine.

Yeah, military health care is socialized - and I love it. If it works for the military, why not roll it out for the mass public? With folks being laid off, there are too many folks out of work - and I know several - who can't afford $1,200 a month for COBRA - and if we had socialized medicine, they'd be covered.

I know I'll be flamed for this, but right is right. Sure, the hospitals have a right to care for everyone - to the point where they are better - they have to do that. They aren't required to do anything else after that.

In the end, a healthy nation is much better off than a nation filled with maimed, crippled and sickly folks.