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staticneuron said:

 Yes because sony's debt include liabilities and revolving assets (sony has 100+ billion in assets). Sony has been in billions of debt before yet they always seem to spend more.

Sony has lost near a billion with the launch of the PS3 (more around 800 million+) and last year the 360 caost microsoft 1.26 for their fiscal year last year.

 Most importantly Sony's profits are based off of choices. I know it has been repeated often enough but I not think people have been looking at the movie studios, record labels, banks, electronic factories and phones that they own. The cost of researching, making, advertizing and putting them on the market must be through the roof. MS posts great profits because they do not need to turn around and sink that much money back into their cycles.

If Sony was really in for a fall I am pretty sure they would have caught it before you or anyone else speculating on their demise would and they would have planned for it, instead of throwing money behind their system. I am pretty sure their accountants (which probably are quite numerous) and market watchers would have gladly have the company set their sites on whatever will make the most profits for them. If they are not shying away from this it probably shows that they know the risk's and are still going full steam ahead.

It still makes me confused why people assume that Sony doesn't know what they are doing. They have been around longer than most of us. Took MANY product risks but have seem to take fewer financial hits in return. Look at their financial history and the motives behind their departments and you should not fail to be impressed. 

You may be right (I really don't know) but Sony wouldn't be the first massive company that didn't see their own demise ahead of time ... American automobile manufacturers are the prime example of this being that 10 years ago it was obvious that they were in trouble yet they did nothing about it until it became too late.