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Tyrannical said:
36 Costa Rica 37 United States of America What idiotic made up bullshit list is this? I think I'd take the US health care system over Costa Rica's or any other country on that list.

Hehe.  The idiots who made up this list were the World Health Organisation, who might perhaps know a little more and be slightly more objective than you when it comes to accessing standard of health care.

This scale is actually only based on the performance of the health system, the US actually fairs significantly worse on the level of health, ranking in at 72.  The only area where the US is close to the top of the list is health expenditure per capita.

The facts tell us that there are many countries in the world where the health systems are better and the people enjoy a better standard of health than the US.  You have a right to personal preference and your opinion, but you also have the right to be wrong.  If your choice of the US health system is based on the assumption that it is better by any objective assessment, then your choice is ill informed.

Here is an article addressing this issue, if you care to read it.