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blunty51 said:
this game looks a lot better than i thought.
Thanks for the thread buddy.

Anytime! Glad you liked it.

vonboysp said:
aww don't cry noname

i'm joining the club!

Woo-hoo! The tree club gets one more member!

nordlead said:
man, you make some epically long threads. I'll have to read this when I get some free time.

This is nothing. Even the WiiWare/DSiWare/VC one is nothing. Nintendo's E3? Officially the longest post in VGChartz history!

griffinA said:
Hey noname i'm interested about the next game you plan on hyping after LKS....pikmin 3 maybe?

Pikmin 3's definitely on the list, and I'm keeping a close eye on Overlord as well. But chronologically, that'd probably be Klonoa (early May). After that, Punch-Out!! baby!

bazmeistergen said:

I love you noname and will be buying this on Friday along with Pikmin 2 and Rock Band 2. Hurrah for European release dates!!

Awesome! Enjoy it for me, eh?

Because X-SEED decided I won't be able to enjoy it myself for two more months :(

Naum said:
Only 4 more days for me SUCKERS!!11!

This game and Pikmin 2

Alright, I want two of you to aim for the legs and make sure he doesn't get away. Whoever has the flamethrower closes in afterwards. I call dibs on the Molotovs.