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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Are the same people getting excited about this the same people who said the wii remote was a fad?

It's what I thought by reading this thread ! It puts me back on the anouncement of DS and Wiimote ...

To make it simple : I want this game  ! I want to play it with friends and online ! I miss online game where i can tchat with people quietly, and playing with real card on a video game is just THE idea to make me playing card's game, espacilly when it's hard to find players in your region. I just found it fun, And to be honest I'm expecting the same reaction by christmast on store than when EYE toys first came out with kids, parents, and magic / yugi / fans looking at it everywhere it wil be shown !

For japan, It could make a real deal. Just go there and you will see that a lot of kids are playing card's games on arcade system you never saw !