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what the hell are you talking about??
abandon what?

we already have smash bros brawl.
we have Mario galaxy.
We have metroid prime corruption
we have warioware.
we have mario party
we have animal crossing.
we have super paper mario.
we have Zelda tp
we have mario kart.
we have pokemon battle revolution
we are barely two years and some odd months into the life of the wii
and we have pretty much all of nintendo's big franchises on the wii.

If anything nintendo is trying to bring back some of their franchises.
i mean they are trying to make pikmin more well known, re-releasing both to a new audience.
punch out!! is being brought back after a decade of absence.
the excite games are back.
battalion wars is out for wii

and on top of this we have games for DS like
Pokemon pearl/diamond/ plat.
they brought back classic 2d mario in NEW SUPER MARIO BROS.

PLUS MANY MORE GAMES FOR DS(two zelda's, mario kart ds, metroid wario ware, animal crossing, 2 advance wars...etc.)

and on top of all these games nintendo has managed to introduce new franchises!!!
nintendogs, brain age, wii(music, fit, sports..)

the backbone of this thread is unfounded.
just because star fox hasn't been announced doesn't mean its not coming..
i mean one for the ds recently came out!
nintendo's finacial reports show that kibry IS in develoment for wii(though it has been in development since before wii was out lol)
and kid icarus was abandoned a LONG LONG TIME AGO.
you cant argue that game into this topic and make yourelf not sound like and ignorant fool.

word vomit.. i know
---my two cent$

hello how are you.