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*facepalm* a game system that has better sales year over year and the thing is last year was breaking records and now it's just breaking it's own records, that system is in trouble? Yeah... no...

Honestly the media has been pretty much Nintendo bashing since the beginning... no idea why... it's like the nice guy you meet off the streets and you just want to punch him in the face for no reason at all... NES got hate for being a console when consoles were dead and PC was how gaming was going to be forever. SNES had hate because it was the console for kids. N64 had hate because none of Nintendo's IPs were "mature" enough and PS1 had advancements like the CD. GC was such fanboyish hate from gaming "journalists" that I read at least 5 articles about how PS2 was more powerful and no one really disputed it...

I have no idea why people have so much contempt for one company, mostly because Nintendo doesn't try to sell an image that they are the best and when you buy one of their consoles you are the best and any other console and company is terrible and you need to slander them... I guess that's what people mean when they want "mature"

*gets off soapbox*

Honestly the gaming community is never going to be taken seriously the way gaming "journalists" (I use journalist loosely) just make hateful articles and no one even thinks to themselves this is not good to publish. Everything is one big mudslinging contest and the rest of the world sees a bunch of children bitching. Gaming can become a serious medium, where you can have interesting stories and games that are simply art, but everyone really needs to calm down, think about what they say and why they say it, and then realize that no company is really here to do anything but normal business and make games for you, there's no reason to hate one over the other, period.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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